[Tutor] Activate window

Scot W. Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Tue Oct 22 05:51:00 2002

Hello Terje, 

> I have been playing around with the Win32com modules and transfer info
> back and forth between the different MS Office applications. But, I
> haven't found the way to activate an application. I do not mean, start
> it, but to bring it to front. Lets say that I have Word and Excel, and
> move info back and forth. Then after that is done, I would like to make
> Excel the active window so I can type myself there, without having to
> mouseclick on it. 

I wonder if this might be a Windows and not a Python problem - in Linux, 
you would set your windowmanager (such as KDE or Blackbox) to do something 
called "focus follows mouse", which means that whenever you move the mouse 
over a window, it gets the focus ("brings it to the front"). There are 
ways to tweak this - how long the mouse has to be over the window, is it 
an exact or "sloppy" focus. 

It has been a long time since I have used Windows for anything but "Diablo 
II" and "Age of Kings", but I can't remember any Microsoft product having 
"focus follows mouse". I think you might have to resort to the "ALT-TAB" 
combination to cycle thru the windows - or was it "CTRL-TAB"?

Y, Scot

  Scot W. Stevenson wrote me on Tuesday, 22. Oct 2002 in Zepernick, Germany   
       on his happy little Linux system that has been up for 516 hours        
        and has a CPU that is falling asleep at a system load of 0.02.