[Tutor] what i miss is a C style for loop

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Mon Oct 21 19:13:02 2002

At 10:21 2002-10-22 +1300, Thomi Richards wrote:
>ahh well, i know that i can do while loops, but it just seemed to me
>that for loops were somewhat "neater"....

I'm still curious about what you would want
to use the for loops for. Some concrete examples?

It might well be that things you are used to
doing with for loops are done completely without
loops in Python, or that python for loops or
list comprehension solves it even neater...

We have quite a bag of tricks here... (And
Python 2.3 adds a little more...)

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
=C4lvans v=E4g 99, SE-907 50 UME=C5
tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se