[Tutor] what i miss is a C style for loop

Thomi Richards thomi@thomi.imail.net.nz
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 23:53:51 +1300

yep, thats right, i live those C style for loops. they are compact, and
easy to use, once you get the hang of it..

so I thought I'd make my own, except i soon realized that the for
keyword has to be...integrated with the rest of the language... but
how?? sure, i could download the python source code, and get lost trying
to make it.... any ideas??

It's not really important, but it'd be nice... i could call it cfor or
forc... of course, it'd be completely useless on other peoples machines,
unless it is portable...hmmmm

(please excuse my sleep deprived ravings)

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Thomi Richards,