[Tutor] invalid syntax? huh!?!

Scott Widney SWidney@ci.las-vegas.nv.us
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:41:16 -0700

> Ok, I'm writing a script in Python 2.2 on windows that basically
> scans another python module and lists all the lines beginning
> with "class" and "def" in them.  Basically, it will print out a
> reference to the module.
> Here is the script: (formatting a little mangled by outlook)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/python
> "scans a python module and lists all classes and functions"
> import sys
> import re
> ModuleToScan = sys.argv[1]
> def SetRegExp():
>  ScanClass = re.compile("class")
>  ScanDef = re.compile("def")
> def ScanModule(ModuleToScan):
>  fp = open(ModuleToScan)
>   for line in fp.readlines()
>    if ScanClass.search(line):
>     print line
>    else
>     if ScanDef.search(line):
>     print line
>  fp.close()
>  return
> SetRegExp()
> ScanModule(ModuleToScan)
> --------------------------------------------------------------

Did a little refactoring (just for fun), came up with this:

"""List all class and function declarations in a .py file"""

import re, sys

ScanClass = re.compile("class")
ScanDef = re.compile("def")

def ScanModule(ModuleToScan):
    fp = open(ModuleToScan, 'r')
    for line in fp.readlines():
        if ScanClass.search(line):
            print line
        elif ScanDef.search(line):
            print line

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "Usage: modscan <module filename> [...]"
    for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
        print "Filename: %s" % (fname,)

Seems to work, feel free to kick it around. Should run from the command line
with any number of filenames, and can be imported at the interactive prompt.
