Re[2]: [Tutor] invalid syntax? huh!?!

python python <>
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:57:51 -0700

you need a colon at the end of this line:

for line in fp.readlines():


JS> Ray Leggett wrote:

>> File "C:\scripts\", line 16
>>   for line in fp.readlines()
>>   ^
>> SyntaxError:  invalid syntax
>> [....]

>> def ScanModule(ModuleToScan):
>>  fp = open(ModuleToScan)
>>   for line in fp.readlines()
>>    if

JS> [...]

JS> If you get a syntax error at the beginning of a line, then it's often an
JS> indication that there's something wrong with the *previous* line, line
JS> termination, etc.

JS> In this case, you've got an indentation problem.  The 'for ...' should line up
JS> with the 'fp = ...' in the previous line.  There's no change of program flow,
JS> so there should be no change of indentation.  There's another indentation
JS> problem elsewhere in your code, too -- the nested 'if ...' in your 'else...'
JS> clause needs to have the line below it ('print line') indented.  These things
JS> will probably be easier to spot if you use standard 4-space indentation
JS> instead of the single-space indentation that you seem to be using.  (Or is
JS> that just various mailers munging tabs?  Either way, I recommend 4 spaces,
JS> since that's the Pythonlabs standard... :) )

JS> There's another syntax error that'll bite you as soon as you fix this one, too
JS> -- the for statement needs to be terminated with a colon, which you've
JS> accidentally left out.

JS> Jeff Shannon
JS> Technician/Programmer
JS> Credit International

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