[Tutor] Moving Files Around

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 17:41:53 +0100

> I have (as some of you know) been looking for an IDE for 
> python and of all of them SciTe looked the most promising 

Last time I looked SciTe was a very nice editor but not 
in any way an IDE. Basically its a demo of the Scintilla 
editor component which is used in several IDEs, 
including Pythonwin. Has it changed recently?

> So I decided to convert my existing files to it ... gah! They 
> won't run!

How are you trying to run them in SciTe?
Don't you have to configure the environment etc to make 
that happen? And even if you do they will simply launch 
a DOS box, run the program and exit - leaving you no 
clue as to what happened?

What happens? Do you get error messages?
Do your files run from a DOS prompt?

> Even under Pythonwin in which I developed them. If I move 
> them back they do ... yet I have changed all hard-coded 
> references!

The IDE shouldn't require any hard coded references! 
What kind of references do you mean?

I'm confused...

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site