[Tutor] Re: help with PIL

Emile van Sebille emile@fenx.com
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 06:25:35 -0700

Thomi Richards:
> could someone please show me a small script to open a file called
> map.bmp (which is a color bitmap file), and do the following things:
> -> work out what the RGB value is for any given pixel in the file
> -> work out how many pixels high and wide the file is
> -> change the RGB values for any one given pixel..
> thanks in advance. i fond that learning by practical example is soooo
> much easier than wading through manuals which talk about things which
> you don't want to know :-)

You really should take a look at PIL's tutorial.  IIRC, it teaches by
example and answers these questions.


Emile van Sebille
