[Tutor] Default printer in Windows

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 15:42:56 +0100

> It's Windoze and I'm trying to print to a printer defined on 
> the client machine.  My latest approach is to use this:
> os.system('"c:\program files\Adobe\Acrobat 

What if your clients are using Macs? Or Linux?
Or a different browser that won't run Pytho - Opera say?
Or AOL or Mozilla, or a text browser like lynx?

You have no control over the client on a web site (normally, 
intranet might occasionally be different!). The best bet is 
normally to just present an HTML page that easy for the 
client user to print manually IME.

> the filename from zope and, in theory, it should print on the default
> printer for the machine that Acobat is installed (the  client).

How are you getting the python code to run on the client? Have 
they all got the WSH python extensions installed?
I wasn't waware that Zope could do anything client side...

> Untested but I hope it works cause the alternatives seem very complex.

Unfortunately you are correct.

Alan G