[Tutor] Passing a value into an embedded python interpreter

BELSEY, Dylan dylan.belsey@baesystems.com
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:19:48 +0930

	FYI. To answer my own question and for anyone else who is
interested....the simple solution is to use sprintf() and create a command
string, with the variable I want to pass in, as a parameter in the string.
	Then use PyRun_SimpleString(command_string) to pass it into the
interpreter.  The command string looks something like: "Python_variable =
45675218" (arbitrary number used here).
	PyRun_SimpleString lives in Python.h.  I can't claim ownership of
this solution.  It was adapted from an example in Chapter 17, Embedding and
Extending Python with C/C++, page 639, Professional Linux Programming - Neil
Matthew and Richard Stones et al., Wrox Press Ltd, 2000.

-----Original Message-----
From: BELSEY, Dylan [mailto:dylan.belsey@baesystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2002 17:08
To: 'tutor@python.org'
Subject: [Tutor] Passing a value into an embedded python interpreter

Hi Tutor list,
	I am attempting to embed the python interpreter into C++ code.  I
have successfully been able to create functions in C++ that can be called
from the embedded interpreted environment (with the use of SWIG).  However,
I can't see my way clearly on how I can pass (map) the value of a variable
in C++, to a variable in the python namespace.
	If anyone has dealt with this or has any ideas, your advice would be
much appreciated.  I have of course been perusing the doco on extending and
embedding Python and the initial possibilities on how to tackle this problem
seem to be quite convoluted (to me anyway).

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