[Tutor] Passing a value into an embedded python interpreter

BELSEY, Dylan dylan.belsey@baesystems.com
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 16:37:58 +0930

Hi Tutor list,
	I am attempting to embed the python interpreter into C++ code.  I
have successfully been able to create functions in C++ that can be called
from the embedded interpreted environment (with the use of SWIG).  However,
I can't see my way clearly on how I can pass (map) the value of a variable
in C++, to a variable in the python namespace.
	If anyone has dealt with this or has any ideas, your advice would be
much appreciated.  I have of course been perusing the doco on extending and
embedding Python and the initial possibilities on how to tackle this problem
seem to be quite convoluted (to me anyway).