Fwd: RE: [Tutor] clearing screen?

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 20:16:47 +0200

Woops, I just sent this to Alan...

>At 18:33 2002-10-06 +0100, you wrote:
>> >  I run programs in Idle from an Edit window.
>> > What command can I use at the top of my program in the Edit window
>> > to clear the IDLE output screen?
>>Yu can't really but you could try:
>>for i in range(50): print
>>As an approximation...
>In my experience, IDLE gets slow when you have written
>a lot of data in the shell window. And if you get a lot
>of data printed and use Ctrl-PgUp to get to the top of
>output, 50 empty lines is a poor approximation for a
>cleared screen...
>Is it impossible to make a program running inside IDLE
>to somehow be able to control IDLE?
>I mean, I run PyCrust from within an applications, and
>there I get access to the innards of my program, and
>I can manipulate objects in runtime.
>It should certainly be able to patch IDLE so that this
>gets possible. I think...
>On the other hand, one could argue that IDLE might not
>be the IDEAL tool to present large amounts of data to
>the user.
>The way out might be to create a new dialog with some
>suitable Tkinter widget, and to redirect stdout to that?

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
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