[Tutor] A genomic sequence generator?

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Sat, 05 Oct 2002 02:12:35 +0200

At 13:08 2002-10-04 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I just ran into an puzzle that I thought might be interesting to folks
>here.  Here's the problem:
>    """Genomic Sequence Generator:
>       Given a pattern like AT<GC>A<TA>, produce the strings ATGAT, ATGAA,
>       ATCAT, ATCAA.
>    """
>I shamelessly copied this from M-J. Dominus's hilarious talk on Conference
>Presentation Judo:
>     http://perl.plover.com/yak/judo/presentation/slide019.html)
>This might be a nice puzzle for Useless Python.

# genomic.py

genom = "AT<GC>A<TA>"
result = []

def makeGenes(rest, soFar, result):
     if not rest:
     char = rest.pop(0)
     if char == '<':
         char = rest.pop(0)
         while char != '>':
             makeGenes(rest[rest.index('>')+1:], soFar+[char], result)
             char = rest.pop(0)
         makeGenes(rest[:], soFar+[char], result)

print makeGenes(list(genom), [], result)
for gene in result: print gene

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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