[Tutor] help How do I use a program I built in linux (fwd)

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 16:08:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Danny,

Please send replies to tutor@python.org, and not me directly:  By sending
just to me, you may get a hasty or unreliable answer, without someone
jumping in to give correction.

But if you send to the Tutor@python.org address, other people can share
their knowledge with you.  At least, then, there's a checks-and-balances
thing going on that tries to ensure swift chastisement on inadequate
answers...  *grin*

I'll forward your message to Tutor for you.  I'll try taking a look at
your question when I have more time.

Danny Yoo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 16:27:34 -0600
From: Peter Dudleston <dandudle@msn.com>
To: dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [Tutor] help How do I use a program I built in linux

Hi Danny

I was wondering do all the files I save have to be in my home directory...
I figured out how to run the programs, but if I make a new directory for
my programs... I type the path of the file for example python begpython
now.py...  I try to run it like that in the shell and no error pops up but
it just goes to the next line how do I set up a pointer or something of
that nature... So I can run a program in a separate so my home directory
doesn't look so cluttered.... Thanks for all your help and hope to talk to
you soon.

Sincerely Danny D

>From: Danny Yoo <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
>To: Peter Dudleston <dandudle@msn.com>
>CC: Tutor <tutor@python.org>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] help How do I use a program I built in linux
>Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 11:06:47 -0700 (PDT)
>On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Peter Dudleston wrote:
> > I have decided to join the linux revolution and I need some help I have
> > python2.2 pre-installed with this version of linux "mandrake" and I was
> > wondering what do I type at the shell to run my programs do I need to
> > make a new directory because no matter what I change the directory to I
> > can't run my programs for example I have one called now which just tells
> > you the time and I saved it as now.py and I can't get it to run no
> > matter what it says that the command doesn't exist does anyone have
> > anything they can tell me "keep in mind I'm a very newbie to this
> > envirment" so if you could explain it in lame mans terms I would really
> > appreciate it thanks for all you help everyone and talk to you all soon
>Hi Danny (or Peter?),
>Breathe --- you're going way too fast for me!  *grin* Forgive me; perhaps
>I'm being just picky, but I really like punctuated sentences.  Please put
>some breaks so we can pick out your main questions easily.
> > I was wondering what do I type at the shell to run my programs
>Try something like:
>$ python [name_of_the_script.py]
>at the shell prompt of your system.  For example, if we had a program
>called 'hello.py', we can run it on a Linux system with the following
>$ python hello.py
> > I have one called now which just tells you the time and I saved it as
> > now.py
> >
> > I can't get it to run no matter what
> >
> > it says that the command doesn't exist
>One thing that we've found is that natural language is vague, despite our
>best intentions.  Paraphrasing what's happening is good, and it's often
>more helpful to add to that description with a cut-and-paste of the exact
>error message; even ugly error messages may provide clues that we can
>tease out.
>Can you show us exactly what you're typing at the prompt, and how your
>system is responding?

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