[Tutor] linux book

Rob McGee i812@softhome.net
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 14:19:39 -0500

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 01:51:58PM -0500, Cameron Stoner wrote:
> What would be a good Linux Book on the GUI?

Are you speaking of Python? If so, I don't know.

If not, I *still* don't know. :) There are *many* GUI's, not just one.
Your best bet is to ask users of your distro what they recommend. Also,
try on the various window managers (desktop environments) to see what
you like. Then seek a book on your GUI of choice.

Anyway, I'm not one for buying dead tree books. Everything I've learned
about GNU/Linux has come from included and online documentation. There
are numerous online books at tldp.org.

    Rob - /dev/rob0