[Tutor] Text manipulation problem

lumbricus@gmx.net lumbricus@gmx.net
Wed Nov 27 16:31:46 2002


[ snip ]
> #egregiously erroneous pseudo-code alert
> import sys, string, os, os.path, glob, re #all the stuff to do the
> manipulation
> def gettextpopup():
> 	"""Find JavaScript text pop-ups in HTML and convert to table."""
> 	prompt=raw_input("Go to where I want")
> 	prompt.chdir #now where i want to be

except OSError:
> 	prompt2=raw_input("what files do i want")
> 	glob the files...
> 	prompt3=raw_input("do I want to start converting? y/n")
> 	if prompt3=='y':

if raw_input("do You wanna start? (y/n)").strip().lower() in [ 'y', 'yes' ]:


> 		re.compile (insert reg expr here) #whatever it will be
> 		re.findall
> 	elif prompt3='n': print "Thanks for dropping by."

same principle applies.
> So compiling the re object is ok (sort of) for me...

Correct parsing of html with re's is impossible.

> What I need to do is take the previously listed html, and convert it into
> the table mess... keeping the different text sandwiched between the tags
> integral.

import htmllib, HTMLParser

[ snip ]

Just my 0.02 EUR

HTH, J"o!


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