[Tutor] How do you make yellow?

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon Nov 25 19:26:01 2002

> While trying to figure out how to change colors from the 
> example on the livewires package, I was wondering how a TV 
> would create yellow, considering that it only has red, green, 
> and blue. It's been mystifying me.

There's a thing called the color wheel. I'll try to draw it in 
ASCII so if you have some non fixed font it'll look odd, OK!

         Y   M
        G     B

R = Red, B = Blue, G = Green
C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y = Yellow

Thus Red and Blue mixed produce Magenta, Blue and Green produce Cyan
and Red and Green produce Yellow.

Note this is similar in concept to the artists colours that you learn 
as a child, but there the primaries are RBY not RGB... The differeces 
are to do with the way reflected vv projected light interact.

Paints use reflected light, Monitors etc use projected light...


Alan g.