[Tutor] yet more Tkinter problems (sorry guys)

Thomi Richards thomi@thomi.imail.net.nz
Wed Nov 20 04:05:04 2002

Heh, sorry about this, i hope you do not consider the sheer volume of
questions comming from me to be spam =P

i have yet another problem:

i have the main loop of that graphics problem i was working on recently.
well for some reason the main loop is stopping Tkinter from updating. i
thought it was the percent bar i had drawn, but i commented that section
of code out, and it still happens. Is there a way to force Tkinter to
update more often? i think it's simply a problem of tkinter not being
able to get enough cpu cycles to update itself - when my program runs,
it uses all 99.8% of my AMD XP1800+..

any ideas??

thanks or your time.

 "Avoid the Gates of Hell.  Use Linux"

Thomi Richards,