[Tutor] regexes, thanks

Matt matt@ipwib.net
Mon Nov 18 22:39:02 2002

I'm working on a renaming utility for use in renaming mp3's that I 
ripped from cd while using Windows (and consequently using my preferred 
naming convention at the time, which I no longer wish to use).  I 
created a file listing, then tried manipulating it.  I wanted to make it 
change every word (defined by only letter sequences) to have the first 
letter changed to uppercase.   Only it doesn't seem that regexes are 
fully implemented in python (\u,\U)... So, I tried using a function:

	def upper(a)

	words = re.compile('([a-zA-Z]+)')
	new_filename = words.sub(upper, filename)

Only this doesn't work, as it doesn't pass the matched string, but a 
MatchObject.  This seemed really strange to me.  Eventually I came up 
with this:
	def upper(a):

	words = re.compile('([a-zA-Z]+)')
	new_filename = words.sub(upper, filename)

This seems like a really complicated way to do something that I thought 
would be relatively simple.  Is this the best way to do it?  Or am I off 
track and creating unnecessary complexity?

Btw, thanks to Danny Yoo for helping me out with python audio 
information.  Several of the sites have proved extremely helpful.
