[Tutor] my newbie program

Gregor Lingl glingl@aon.at
Mon Nov 18 13:23:02 2002

alan.gauld@bt.com schrieb:

>>class room:
>>    def __init__(self):
>>        self.desc=""
>>        self.exits=[]
>>room1.desc="a big room"
>>room2.desc="an even bigger room"
>You could simplify that by using default args to the init method:
>class Room:  #capitalised class names is the convention.
>    def __init__(self, desc="", exits=[])
                                                           here a colon 
is missing!                          

>        self.desc = desc
>        self.exits = exits
>room2 = Room("an even bigger room")
>room1 = Room("a big room", [room2,0,0,0])
>You need to watch the order to avoid using names of objects 
>not yet created in the exi list but otherwise it saves effort....
>>class Player:
>      self.commandlist = ['look','n']
I think this won't work. there is no name self here. So better
either delete the self. to create a class-variable and replace
self.commandlist by Player.commandlist
or put this statement into __init__

>>    def __init__(self):
>>        self.location=room1
>>    def act(self):
>>        cmd = raw_input('>')
>          if cmd in self.commandlist:   # bit of a sanity check
>>          if cmd == 'look':
>>            print self.location.desc
>>          if cmd == 'n':
>>            if self.location.exits[0] != 0:
>>                 self.location=self.location.exits[0]
>>            else:
>>                print "you can't go that way"
>           else: print "invalid command: ", cmd
>>me = Player()
>  while 1:
>     me.act()
>     if not map(lambda x: x != 0, me.location.exits):
>        break
This is a little bit disturbing. Wasn't the original concept, that exits 
should be
a four element list, containing exits (to rooms) in the four directions 
if they exist and 0
So one should better add
along with some amendments Magnus suggested -
which would make the game a little more interesting

>OK, the map() is maybe overkill... :-)
>Otherwise it looks like it should work so far... What next?
>Alan g.
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org