[Tutor] Question about irclib

python python <python@inkedmn.net>
Sun Nov 17 21:13:02 2002

a couple friends of mine wrote an ircbot in python called moobot

here's the project page, just poke around the cvs:




Jcc> I'm messing around and trying to make a simple IRC bot that just sits in a 
Jcc> specific channel and basically does nothing (just so I can understand how to 
Jcc> at least make my bots connect to a server). I've downloaded the irclib 
Jcc> library (http://python-irclib.sourceforge.net), but it has hardly any 
Jcc> documentation.

Jcc> I was wondering if anybody knew where I could find some good beginner's 
Jcc> material about using the irclib library or writing IRC bots in Python. 
Jcc> Thanks.