[Tutor] Can any one recommend a good C++ referernce manual

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Thu Nov 14 13:58:07 2002

At 13:15 2002-11-14 +0000, Alex Gillis wrote:
>I just want some thing where I can look up what I want to do and it will
>give me a brief description of what it is, what it does, how to use it and
>the options.  I've already got a book teaching generally how to use C++
>(didnt teach me much that I didnt already know from using python) but it
>doesn't give many functions, I cant even seem to find how to write to a

This is somewhat off topic, but my reference is
Stroustrup, Bjarne: The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition

The really good C++ book for me was
Meyers, Scott: Effective C++, 2nd ed. This WILL teach you the
things you don't know already from Python...
Meyers have also written
More Effective C++
Effectice C++ CD (The above two books on CD-ROM) and
Effective STL.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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