[Tutor] catching any exception?

Lance E Sloan lsloan@umich.edu
Wed Nov 13 12:00:04 2002

I'm using the DCOracle module with a Python 2.0 CGI.  Sometimes 
when I try to execute a SQL statement, an exception will be raised.  It may 
be because I wrote bad SQL or it may be that a relationship was going to be 
broken, etc.  I would like to have the same exception raised, but I also 
want to have the SQL statement printed.  So I tried this section of code:

        except Exception, thisException:
          raise Exception(thisException, sql)

This didn't work.  Apparently although "Exception" is the parent of all 
exceptions, it is not an exception itself, so this never matched.  Is there 
something I can put in place of "Exception" in the "except" clause that 
will match all kinds of exceptions, so that I can get the kind of exception 
that was raised in my variable "thisException"?

For now I'm using this:

          raise Exception(sql)

Which means I'm losing information about what kind of exception was raised.

Lance E Sloan
Web Services, Univ. of Michigan: Full-service Web and database design,
development, and hosting.  Specializing in Python & Perl CGIs.
http://websvcs.itd.umich.edu/ - "Putting U on the Web"