[Tutor] Need Help with Pygame & Icons

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Nov 3 04:26:07 2002

On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 Jmllr891@cs.com wrote:

> I need help with using my own custom icons when turning my Python
> scripts into Windows executables. I'm using Windows ME and so the build
> process doesn't use the icons I specify. Is there anything I can do
> OTHER than changing the icon to a shortcut to the .exe file? This method
> is insufficient.


If we're using the py2exe to make executables out of your programs, we can
use the '--icon' command line option to give our program an icon image.
There's some more information on the py2exe web page about this:


By the way, there's a great web page on pygame.org that talks about
packaging windows executables:


Good luck to you!