[Tutor] Rounding

dman dman@dman.ddts.net
Wed, 29 May 2002 16:41:52 -0500

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On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 08:03:39PM +0000, Terje Johan Abrahamsen wrote:
| I am trying to use the round() function. But, it doesn't give me the=20
| answers I want:

Do a google search for "binary floating point" or "IEEE 754" or
something along those lines.  Also try writing out 1/3 in decimal
*exactly*, not an approximation, using pencil and paper.  The problem
is finite precision.  If you're lucky you might get a nice
dissertation from Tim Peters on the topice :-).



The Consultant's Curse:
    When the customer has beaten upon you long enough, give him
what he asks for, instead of what he needs.  This is very strong
medicine, and is normally only required once.
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