[Tutor] Request for Comments

Bryce Embry bryce@bembry.org
Wed, 22 May 2002 17:04:38 -0500

This is not a programming related question, but a request for assistance in 
developing some training materials.

Being the fool I can be, I've volunteered to present a two-and-a-half hour 
session at a state conference this summer for school technology 
coordinators.  My session is supposed to help system administrators start 
learning to program.

I've developed a rather lengthy hand-out / tutorial (26 pages) which I am 
supposed to submit to the conference folks next week for burning on the 
official TETA Summer Institute CD-ROM.

My goal in the session is to walk through some increasingly difficult 
programs, adding new skills as we go, until we can build two or three 
scripts that will be useful to the administrators.  We start with "Hello 
World" and end up with a script to create passwords and save them to a text 
file, plus a bonus script that edits filenames, and another bonus script 
that edits text file contents. Obviously I cannot thoroughly cover 
everything, so I try to give them enough of a foundation that they can 
build on their own once they leave.

So, seeing as this is a rather ambitious project for me, I wanted to 
solicit some extra "eyes".  If anyone has the time or inclination to look 
through a 26-page introductory tutorial, I'd appreciate any comments you 
could offer.  The text might have a few typographical errors (even though 
I've combed it three times now) and I'm not the best writer in the world, 
but what I'm really wanting is comments from Python users on the code, 
notes and approach in general.

The pdf file is at www.bembry.org/tech/python/StartProgramming.pdf

If you could email off list I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

Thank you,

Bryce Embry

"Lord, you establish peace for us.
All that we have accomplished
you have done for us" -- Isaiah 26:12