[Tutor] example of Python client accessing a DDE server

Pijus Virketis virketis@fas.harvard.edu
Wed, 22 May 2002 02:03:16 -0400

<BASEFONT FACE=3D"Arial" SIZE=3D"2" COLOR=3D"#000000">
<div>Dear all, </div>
<div>I am trying to access the Matlab engine from Python. I know=
 that Matlab exposes its engine as a DDE server/client; I also=
 have the Python win32 DDE module. I think that at least=
 theoretically this should work. However, I have little idea of=
 how to actually establish the link and do stuff with it. I think=
 I will go to the library soon to check out the &quot;Programming=
 Python on Win32&quot; book. However, in the meanwhile, if anyone=
 could just send me any sort of little script that connects to a=
 DDE server, passes some info, etc., that would be extremely=
 useful. And of course, if anyone knows of a more elegant way to=
 work with Matlab, that's even better :) I have already tried the=
 pymat module before turning to DDE, but it appears to work only=
 with Matlab 5. </div>
<div>Cheers, </div>
<div>-- </div>
<div>&quot;Those who can make you believe absurdities</div>
<div>can make you commit atrocities&quot; - Voltaire</div>