[Tutor] Quick question: Is it more efficient to...

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 07:28:16 -0400

On Tuesday, May 21, 2002, at 07:13  AM, alex gigh wrote:

> Is it more efficient to (A) check the lines one by one as I receive 
> them or (B) save the whole mail in a file and then check the whole mail 
> with the kill file... I have been told that if I use "pickle" I can do 
> some very efficient searching...

Again, I don't know anything about mail servers, but option B sounds 
like it is more forward-thinking -- what would happen if you suddenly 
were flooded with more mail than your system's mem could handle?  Option 
B lets you perform this intensive process at your own rate, completely 
independent of incoming mail.  Also it just "feels" more modular this 
