[Tutor] OO Python: How to change attributes of just one object in a list

Geoffrey Bays ibis2001@telocity.com
Mon, 20 May 2002 02:34:13 -0400

I am trying to write an OO program in Python to keep track of students in 
classes of mine. Unfortunately, the changeGrade() method in class Course 
changes all of the students' grades on the same test to the same grade.
I have determined that the for and if clauses work correctly, and have 
tried defining __eq__() and __del__ in the Student class, writing a 
changeGrade method in class Student, etc, but none of this does any good. I 
just want to push student objects onto the studentList and change their 
grades individually.
Any help would be much appreciated.

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name):
    self.name = name
    self.record = {}

def display(self):
    print self.name, '\n'
    for item in self.record.keys(): print item, '\t', self.record[item],
    print '\n'

class Course:
    def __init__(self,name):
    self.name = name
    self.tests = {}
    self.studentList = []

def design(self):
    s = raw_input('Enter graded items for the course separated by commas:\
    test = s.split(",")
    for X in test:
       self.tests[X] = -1

def display(self):
    print c.name," "
    for test in c.tests.keys(): print test,": ",c.tests[test],
    print '\n'

def addStudent(self,name):
    s = Student(name)
    s.record = self.tests

def displayCourse(self):
    for i in range(len(self.studentList)):

def changeGrade(self,studName,test,score):
boolean = 0
for i in range(len(self.studentList)):
     if(self.studentList[i].name == studName ):
     self.studentList[i].record[test] = score       //This is the line that 
changes all the students grades, not just the one
     boolean = 1
if (boolean == 0):
print "No student of that name found."