[Tutor] TL footer issues

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Sat, 18 May 2002 01:00:24 -0400

In the devloping of TL, I am adding new features, and trying to refine
existing ones, such as the footers. Spam people tend to not properly
identify their site or how tio unsubscribe, and I am always afraid
someone will use some of my work to produce spam or do other unethical
things. so I was refining some features to insure this was
inconvienced as much as possible.

for example, I was going to insure that NO MATTER WHAT, TL offered a
link to the menu to manage subscriptons, a 1 line footer that ALWAYS
appeared, no matter what the user did.
But a potential user testing it wrote back and let me know one of his
co-hosting clients would REALLY like to have TOTAL footer control, and
this uncontrollable featuer would eliminate TL from consideration.
Hmmm... So I changed things. In 5 minutes. Python, ya gotta love it.

IF this decision proves to be a problem, changing again is just as
quick. Let's see how it works out.

Oh, and the archiving feature works fine. Now to write an archive
VIEWING script- actually, 2 of them, one as a menu maker, the other as
the actual reader. Probably do that saterday night...

			 Kirk D Bailey

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