[Tutor] archive working

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Thu, 16 May 2002 01:24:37 -0400

TinyList now will archive a complete copy of every email sent through
a list IF you created the file
(listname).archive. This can be access via ssi and a html page, or by
a script, or by a autoreply program.
To nake it wasy, I will write a script to make access easy, but nothis
is going to stop you from using email or ssi.

In fact, I already created a html page with ssi to access it. here is
a link to it:

			 Kirk D Bailey

+---------------------"Thou Art Free." -Eris----------------------+
| http://www.howlermonkey.net mailto:highprimate@howlermonkey.net |
| http://www.tinylist.org  +--------+  mailto:grumpy@tinylist.org |
+------------------Thinking| NORMAL |Thinking---------------------+