[Tutor] dictionary swittching

Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com
Tue, 14 May 2002 07:22:25 -0400

Try changing all the 'elif' to 'if'.

Raymond Hettinger

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sharriff Aina" <nhytro-python@web.de>
To: <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] dictionary swittching

Thanks for the replies, unfortunately none of the suggestions work. Actually
the snippet is for a CGI script that takes values from a form. I would like
different actions to be taken depending on the values of the keys:


## below is used to convert the form output to a user friendlier dictionary
## code thanks to the python list

def FieldStorage2Dict(form):
    d = {}
    def decode_field(field):
      if isinstance(field, type([])):
        return map(decode_field, field)
      elif hasattr(field, "file") and field.file:
        return (field.filename, field.file)
        return field.value
    for key in form.keys():
      d[key] = decode_field(form[key])
    return d

formdict = FieldStorage2Dict(form)
#selector = ['agentnum','bnumber', 'tname', 'tvorname', 'tnumber',
# these are the name values in the html form here just for clarity

if formdict.has_key('agentnum'):
  print 'test1'
elif formdict.has_key('bnumber'):
  print 'test2'
elif formdict.has_key('tname'):
  print 'test3'

##end snippet

sadly, only the first "if" works, I´m running Python 2.1.1 on a Wintel

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