[Tutor] Brainbench Python 1.5 Certification

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 18:20:23 -0400

On Friday, May 10, 2002, at 10:47  AM, Rob Andrews wrote:

> I've never run across anyone commenting on the Python 1.5 Certification 
> that brainbench.com offers. And since I have a Brainbench subscription, 
> I figured I'd take a break from working on the new Useless Python site 
> (about half-way done, BTW, if not better) and give it a stab.
> Until someone else comes up with a Python certification, this is the 
> only one I know of. It's a bit dated, since a few things changed 
> between 1.5 and where Python is today, but it was an interesting 
> experience all around.

I've heard of certification tests for Java and C, but not for Python.  
Being relatively new to the language (and to programming), it's not 
something I'm considering anytime soon.  But I'm curious: what kind of 
skills are assessed in such a test?  What sorts of things are considered 
valuable to test-creators?  (Python, Java, whatever.)

Btw, I ask this in all sincerity and am temporarily suspending my 
distrust of standardized tests -- I'm not trying to play devil's 
advocate or anything.
