[Tutor] ANN: Silicon Valley Python UG mtg WED nite 5/8 7:30pm

wesc@deirdre.org wesc@deirdre.org
Mon, 6 May 2002 01:37:06 -0700 (PDT)

What:    BayPIGgies (Silicon Valley Python users group) meeting
When:    Wednesday, 8 May 2002, 7:30-9 PM
Where:   Coco's Restaurant, 1209 Oakmead Pkwy, Sunnyvale, CA
Agenda:  Eating Out with Python (Python round table)
Speaker: everyone...

The host (and BayPIGgies volunteer) for our normal meetings at
Python will be out of the country, so we will be gathering at a
local restaurant for a Python round table.  We will be at the
Coco's Restaurant in Sunnyvale on the Lawrence Expressway and
Oakmead Parkway right off US-101.

Yahoo! Map/Driving Directions (gee... i wonder what language
they use to build their CGI-oriented scripts...):


The round table is totally informal and ranges from current
topics and news from the Python community or recent newsgroup
postings, talking about Python and how it is used in some of
your projects, or to help those are making an effort to learn
about a new area of Python programming they are exploring.

If we finish early, those who are interested may head to the
Digital Guru bookstore or Fry's Electronics.  Both are within
1-2 minutes by car from the restaurant.

Come along to join in having dinner *and* being able to talk
about your favorite development language... and be sure to
invite friends and co-workers along who may be interested in
Python.  Hope to see you there!


Call For Talks: We are actively seeking speakers for BayPIGgies!
If you would like to give a talk at one of our meetings (any
Python related topic), contact us to coordinate!

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"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall PTR, © 2001

Silicon Valley-San Francisco Bay Area Python Users Group (BayPIGgies)

wesley.j.chun :: wesc at deirdre.org
cyberweb.consulting : henderson, nv : cyberweb at rocketmail.com