[Tutor] hacking 101

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 00:03:28 +0100


> On Sun, Mar 31, 2002 at 04:03:08PM -0500, kirk Bailey wrote:
> > FreeBSD
> Oh, that's probably a pretty good choice. I'm sure they have 
> a security mailing list which you could join 

I think the thing Kirk is interested in is how to make the 
mailing list registration form he has written in Python 
secure, not how to make his BSD box secure. That's why he 
needs to know how crackers operate so he can guard against 
it in his code.


There are some sites around covering secure code techniques 
but many are biased to C/C++ in my experience. Things like 
buffer overruns etc are not such an issue in Python because 
we can't read a string into a fixed length byte array etc.

But there are plenty other things to look out for I'm sure, 
and I'd be interested if you do find a good source of info.

Alan g.