[Tutor] telling dir(_builtins_) from dir(__builtins__)

john public apython101@yahoo.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:54:25 -0800 (PST)

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How in the heck is a Newwbie to know  dir(_builtins_) from dir(__builtins__)?!? both look like one hypen to me. One's just longer than the other. I just assumed it was a difference between the type on my machine and the type in the O'riely book. I have been working in Alan Gaulds book and looking a bit in Learning Python and programming Python and don't recall reading about this distinction. I am sure glad I can ask you guys questions. This is exactly the kind of tedious dotting your I's and crossing your T's that drove me nuts years ago when I tried to learn basic but gave up. So far this is the first thing I have found like this in Python. I have actually been amazed at how easy it is compared to C++ which I worked at for 2 months and got relatively nowhere by comparison. I am sure glad Barry Warsaw steered me towards Python.


 I can't remember how I found Barry's Web page but I am sure glad I did. Anyway if someone has a list of visually misleading things like this in Python please send me the link.


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<P>How in the heck is a Newwbie to know&nbsp; dir(_builtins_) from dir(__builtins__)?!? both look like one hypen to me. One's just longer than the other. I just assumed it was a difference between the type on my machine and the type in the O'riely book. I have been working in Alan Gaulds book and looking a bit in Learning Python and programming Python and don't recall reading about this distinction. I am sure glad I can ask you guys questions. This is exactly the kind of tedious dotting your&nbsp;I's and crossing your T's that drove me nuts years ago when I tried to learn basic but gave up. So far this is the first thing I have found like this in Python. I have actually been amazed at how easy it is compared to C++ which I worked at for 2 months and got relatively nowhere by comparison. I am sure glad Barry Warsaw steered me towards Python.</P>
<P>&nbsp;I can't remember how I found Barry's Web page but I am sure glad I did. Anyway if someone has a list of visually misleading things like this in Python please send me the link.</P>
<P>Thankzzz</P><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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