[Tutor] brand spankin' newbie

Scott Widney SWidney@ci.las-vegas.nv.us
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:10:10 -0800

> Hey all,
> I just started in to learning Python a day or two ago (having 
> come from C, 
> PERL, PBASIC, KSH scripting......) and have what I hope is a 
> very simple 
> question.
> I am wanting to use the poplib and smtplib in a script.  
> I found some info on the modules, and at the end (of the 
> poplib blurb, for example) it says "At the end of the 
> module, there is a test section that contains a more 
> extensive example of usage." which is what I am dying to 
> get my hands on.
> Where does one find the actual modules to download?  I have 
> been looking everywhere (although obviously not every 
> everywhere)
> Thanks in advance,

You don't mention which version of Python you're using, or which flavor of
OS. On mine (Python 2.1 on FreeBSD) they're under /usr/local/lib/python2.1/
as poplib.py and smtplib.py

It should be something similar to that.
