[Tutor] Re: Deitel Book info

kjphotog@juno.com kjphotog@juno.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:51:37 -0800

I have a copy of the Deitel book too & find that it's pretty easy to
follow and understand. Readers are prompted in outline form on what
they're about to read. Then you jump into tackle samples & examples and
there's "homework" at the end of each chapter. 

The books authors even replied to an e-mail & offer to answer questions
via e-mail, but they've yet to follow up on that offer.  

In addition to the extensive Python info & tutorials there's a host of
other useful info like xml & css. By the way, the contents are easy on
the eyes to read too & no coding in microscopic text. In fact, Dietels py
coding is in color. I'm a newbie but feel the book is worthy. Public
libraries may have a copy, so check it out. 


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