[Tutor] debugging CGI hints

Pijus Virketis virketis@fas.harvard.edu
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 19:00:10 -0500


> Any tips for debugging CGI scripts?

Sheila has listed many excellent options. Let me just add one more, in some
ways easier, and in some inferior to the ones suggested by her. A few days
ago, I downloaded a trial edition of the Wing IDE Lite
(http://archaeopteryx.com/support/downloads), which basically allows to do
full-blown visual debugging on remote CGI scripts. You get to see variables,
the stack, set breakpoints, the whole shebang. The configuration is somewhat
lengthy, but no particular task is dificult per se. That's the good part.
The bad part that in 30 days, you will have to shell out some cash, or stop
using Wing, and in my experience, visual debuggers tend to be addictive and
do make one lazy. :)

