[Tutor] posting on chalkboard

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 01:09:13 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, kirk Bailey wrote:

> DEAR GAWGD! Whoever is running chalkboard.

That irresponsible administrator would be me.  *grin*

> please whack it wif an ugly stick!

Done.  It has been throttled.

> That code I posted is GARBLED! IT IGNORED ends of lines, and managed
> to mangle it to an unreadable state!

The problem is that it's not actually ignoring the line breaks... but it
does look that way.  For those input boxes, I've used a TEXTAREA with a
"wrap='virtual'" attribute, because otherwise it forces people to scroll
when they're writing long sentences.

I've made the textareas a little wider, but you're right, the interface
needs some work.  I've inherited some "features" of Squishdot, and I know
that I need to do more changes to make ChalkBoard appropriate as a
technical Python forum.

I have to apologize for being so off topic on Python-Tutor; I feel guilty
about turning people into guinea pigs.  On the other hand, at least I'm
getting feedback really quickly.  *weak grin*

For people who are testing ChalkBoard: if you have feedback, please feel
free to send it personally to me, so that I don't abuse Tutor traffic too
much.  Thank you again!