[Tutor] Problems with genetically engineering the Print Ogre

Pijus Virketis virketis@fas.harvard.edu
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 23:52:10 -0500

> If that's the case, then I sure wish I could remember what the hell "set
> builder" notation was!  That was only 13 years ago for me.  :)

This is what I understand set notation to be (I am sure math gurus will do

A = { x in X | x < 5}

This means, "set A is composed of elements of set X, such that those
elements are strictly less than 5." So, it tells you two things: where to
get the elements from, and which ones to choose. Come to think of it, this
is like an SQL querry:" FROM X SELLECT x WHERE x<5". It's quite a nice
notation, if you ask me. :)

