[Tutor] mailing list

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 01:03:07 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Paul Kelly wrote:

> Hi , please remove me from your mailing list or tell me how to do so.
> This programming is over my head so and don't know where to start.

Hi Paul,

If you want to unsubscribe, you can go to the Tutor Options mailing page


Go down to the bottom, and you can see an Edit Options form, and you can
unsubscribe from there.  If you run into any problems while unsubscribing,
please feel free to send mail to tutor-admin@python.org, and the
administrators can help unsubscribe you manually.

But, by the way, if you feel overwhelmed by what we're talking about on
Tutor, please ask us to explain ourselves!  If you ask a question that
we're not answering, that's something we need to fix.  And if you see
messages that seem over your head, you can just ignore them; all messages
are broadcast to all subscribers, so that all can learn from what's being

Tutor is something of a mix of all sorts of people --- both tutors and
tutees --- and it can be a little disorienting at first.  And to tell the
truth, if we're talking about stuff that seems like nonsense, that's
probably because it is.  *grin*

But if you ask questions, that should snap us out of our mumbling, so that
we can address you.

Best of wishes to you!