[Tutor] Pythonwin

Terje Johan Abrahamsen terjeja@hotmail.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 20:16:56 +0000

I am using ActiveState PythonWin for Win2k. I have a few questions about 
this program. 1) Lets say I want to use the function string.atof('55.4'). 
Then I start typing String. when I have typed the . a box comes up with what 
is possible to type further. ascii_letters is the first one. Which key do I 
press to get that filled in automatically. I have read something with the \ 
key if I don't remember wrong, but I never got that to work.

2) If I write a program:
while 1 == 1:

It will print hello forever. How do I stop it without stopping the PythonWin 
program? Ctrl-c and ctrl-break doesn't work. Is there anything that will 


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