[Tutor] changes in Python 2.2

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 11:57:12 +0100

> This is not fun, and learning Python used to be, first of all, fun.

I think this is a valid point once you get beyond the basics.

Oddly enough a complete programming novice can still pick 
up Python (division changes apart) pretty much without change 
since Python 1.3(when dictionaries got 'fixed').

The guys who are hurt most are those with say, one previous 
programming language, especially something like BASIC or JScript,
and who learn the real baics quickly but then hit a wall with 
the mass of more advanced techniques.

Its no longer true that in Python "there's only one way to do it"
we now have to choose between basic loops, iterators, comprehensions, 
enumerators etc...

> As much as I have gotten to love Python, I am beginning to 
> ask myself why I don't just quit the language for a while 

I won't be quitting - I'm not that masochistic - but I am 
slow to upgrade. Just freeze your Python version for a while. 
There are still a lot of folks on this list still using Python1.5
and I only have 2.2 on one of my machines even yet (the others 
are still at 2.1).

I have no intention of upgrading to 2.3 when it comes out and 
may stay at 2.2 until 3000 comes out! (I'm hoping to do a 
second edition of my book based on 3000 someday!)

> with the Second Edition of Kernighan and Richie, 1988, and get to the 
> point where I can at least read the C of the Linux Kernel. 

Actually the change rate on C is suvch that you could probanbly 
use the original 1978 edition! I still use that rather than fork 
out for the ANSI edition and rarely get stung. But then I still 
use Guido et al's original 1996 Internet Programming with Python
which is written for version 1.3 too... 

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site