[Tutor] changes in Python 2.2

Arthur Siegel ajs@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:35:15 -0400

> But now having read A.M Kuchling's excellent "What's New in Python 2.2", a
> few of the PEPs like 252, 253  that deal with new type of class and those
> dealing with the new iterators and generators --PEPs 234 and 255, Python
> looking to me more and more like --well--,  another language.

To give a inclusive view, there are those of us who have been around Python
a while who do feel that the pace and the nature of changes in Python have
Python as a learning language.

As pointed out, there is nothing stopping one from continuing to use Python
1.5.2 mode. But reading and learning from the code of someone else who may
be working in 2.2 mode becomes problematic. And that code is probably
nothing that could not be accomplished in 1.5.2 mode, and at no better
speed. Which is preferred?  Which is "better".

Reporting second-hand (overhead discussion):

Generators (and probably type/class) seem to be a full fledged innovations
in the language
 - much the rest I have heard characterized by a major Python contributor
(who seems
totally unbothered by the changes) as furniture moving.

On the other hand...

My impression is that the concept of many of the new features are adopted
from enviable
features of other languages - and that the effort is to have the best
convenience features
of other languages available in Python. In that sense, Python 2.2 I guess
can be viewed as a broader
introduction to state of the art programming than 1.5.2.

Something has been gained, but I am afraid - much also lost.

But its a definite sore point topic in the community - at all levels of

I am not meaning to bring the discussion here.

But I do think a "rounded" answer to the question is appropriate.
