[Tutor] PythonWin

Jeff Shannon jeff@ccvcorp.com
Thu, 06 Jun 2002 09:56:50 -0700

Danny Yoo wrote:

> > contain Python 2.2. I am currently trying a few of the modules that are
> > included, but it seems like quite a few is missing. [...]
> > The same was the case with a number of modules I read about in the
> > newest Python library reference. Am I just not finding them, or does the
> > Pythonwin have an amputated number of modules?
> Hmmm!  Not sure about this one.  I'm assuming that the Activestate
> distribution of Python has, at least, the Standard Library.

I have been using the ActiveState ActivePython distribution (and the
Windows-only IDE included with it, PythonWin) for versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2
now.  I have not yet found a single module available in the PythonLabs Windows
distribution that is not available in ActiveState's distribution.

However, you may be reading, in that library reference, about a number of
OS-specific modules.  There's a fair amount of stuff that's included on
Unix-ish distributions that isn't there in Windows distributions, simply
because the OS can't support it (or doesn't need it).  For example, the curses
module doesn't exist on Windows because there's no underlying curses library
for it to interface to -- Windows uses a different method to control terminal
screens.  Conversely, there's modules that are available for Windows that have
no Unix equivalents -- most notably Mark Hammond's Win32 extensions, which are
packaged with ActivePython.

I'd suggest checking the library reference a little more closely for the OS
availability.  I'm guessing that you'll see that those "missing" modules are
Unix-only.  (Or, like os.path.getsize(), you may be mistakenly looking for
them in the wrong place...)

Of course, if you *do* find anything that claims Windows availability, but you
don't have, we'd like to hear about it.  :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International