[Tutor] Problem w/ redirect to shell

SA sarmstrong13@mac.com
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:00:30 -0500

Hi Everyone-

I was tranlating a perl script to python and I was having some problems.

Basically the script takes user input places it in an url string. The string
is then added to a text of applescript which is then executed as follows:

"osascript -l AppleScript -e %s" % todo

Where todo contains the applescript and the rest of the quoted string is the
command that is executed in the shell. This is a tcsh shell on OSX.
Basically this translates into something like the following:

Osascript -l AppleScript -e 'tell application Navigator to Get URL

How do I tell python to execute that command in the tcsh shell?


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