[Tutor] Python information

Scot W. Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 10:40:23 +0200

Hello Rob,=20

> I'll pose this question to the list (especially the newbies): What woul=
> you like to see demonstrated in a tutorial for absolute programming
> newbies? Be as specific or as general as you like.

I was wondering if there would be any chance of creating "spot" tutorials=
for added features in new releases, given that the rate of change means=20
that the paper people have little chance to catch up. These spot tutorial=
[do pythons have spots?] could be organsized as "chapters" and should be=20
less of a chore to write than a whole book.

For example, the 2.2 version begs a tutorial on generators, which explain=
the concept in prose, goes thru an example in pseudocode, and then shows=20
how it can be used to win friends and influence people. Everybody keeps=20
talking about how cool list comprehension is (and I live in deathly fear=20
that one day I will join them); since they seem to be set to become a=20
central tool, a short tutorial on how they work, what they can replace,=20
where they make sense, etc. would be great.

These short, specific tutorials would assume that you have a basic grasp=20
of "Core Python" but still think that "icon" is something that lives in a=
Russian Orthodox church or on your desktop, a computer language. Ideally,=
the would appear at the same time as the "What is new in Python *"-series=
and be cross-referenced with it.

I don't think that my Python skills are good enough to actually write the=
things, but I would be happy to help as a non-computer-scientist crash=20
test dummy on the examples and explanations...

Y, Scot

  Scot W. Stevenson -- scot@possum.in-berlin.de -- Zepernick, Germany