[Tutor] Curious newbie

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:53:14 +0100

> >equivalent - a runtime only distribution without the docs 
> >
> I suppose with py2exe Python is not far from that!

Not far but not quite either - you still get a copy of 
the material with every 'exe' you create. Plus you don't 
get all the libraries just the ones you use. So its 
neither one thing nor the other.

> Some days ago I created an exe from a Python program using py2exe -
> A directory called "snake" containing:
> --- snake.exe (205 KB)
> --- python22.dll (825 KB)
> --- tcl83.dll (472 KB)
> --- tk83.dll (928 KB)
> plus 2 small files called _sre.pyd and _tkinter.pyd

Yes, wheras I want something that doesn'ty include the 
snake code but does have the interpreter and libraries etc.

> Additionally there is a subdirectory named tcl containing 2.45 MB
> tcl/tk - stuff

Really? I didn't realize it included that stuff too.

> certainly are not used by my application. Nevertheless, removing this
> obviously unnecessary stuff by hand prevents snake.exe from running.

Looks like a wee bit of work to be done there.

Alan g.