[Tutor] No more need to ask if Tkinter.mainloop() is running?

Gregor Lingl glingl@aon.at
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 02:21:22 +0200

Thanks, Danny for your explanations!

>With recent developments in IDLEfork (the development version of IDLE),
>though, you shouldn't need to do this check because Tkinter programs
>should work cleanly in IDLE now.
>You may want try the IDLEfork version of IDLE and see if this has been
>fixed already:
>    http://idlefork.sourceforge.net/
It has been fixed! I just installed it and tried it out. Looks a little 
bit like VPython's IDLE. I still
have to get accustomed to it. Nevertheless, seems to be a jewel! Even 
the -Qnew switch works!
And what I recognized for the first time (and what also works with 
ordinary IDLE 0.8 as I
know now): You can kill

while 1:

with Ctrl-C

Have to find out if there is another switch, causing it to start with an 
open shell - window.

One important point - and for me it's the only one - remains unsolved  - 
supposedly due to restrictions
of Tkinter : there is no possibility to print out program listings on a 

Last resort here on my machine for this purpose : Python Win. So I'll 
have to continue using both of them,

Thanks again!

>>Is there a special mailing list or something similar
>>dedicated to Tkinter related stuff?
>Hmmm!  I don't know about this one.  Does anyone else know?