[Tutor] Loopy question

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 13:39:57 +0100

> I got a question about a step in a loop.  I want to make my 
> step really small for a problem i'm testing.  

What you really mean is you want lots of steps?

> however, the interpreter says my step in the for loop(0.01) 
> is a zero step for range.

Coz range uses integers not reals.

Solution? -  you have to multiply up the values, 
in your case by 1/0.01 = 100

so it becomes:
for i in range(200,500): # 300 steps
   step = i/100.0  # 2.00, 2.01, 2.02,.., 4.99 etc
   # use step here...

Alan G.